Monday, June 15, 2009

Electronic Market

The Electronics market was alright. Everything was about standard price, though, apparently because we didn't have a korean with us to haggle. It was like a giant mall of laptops, mp3 players, gps's, etc. I'm not certain if it was the right place, though, because there were street signs that listed the station we got off and the Electronics market separately.

While we were in the area we went to Hooters Seoul. It was expensive and quiet, not very good, and funny in a depressing way. It is as funny as it is depressing to see a Korean girl dressed in the Hooters clothing, with like, no customers. It's sort of awkward and embarassing.

Conversely, classes today were good. My cooking class seems like it will be a lot of fun, and we got to eat some traditional food towards the end of it. Citron Tea, Da (Rice balls, like Mochi), Sangpyan(I may have butchered this, they are delicious though), and Pumpkin Da (Harab Da? I forget how to say Pumpkin). The professor also told us to ask if there was anything we want to try, and we will make it, which should be awesome (there are various kimchis and such that I want to eat that I likely won't get to eat).

My other class, a History one, seems like it will be pretty good. The teacher's very laid back, and the girls (all Sookmyung students) are very nice. We got candy (maple-sugar candy, as the prof is Canadian) so I can't complain.

I need to open a Korean bank account to get my scholarship, and take out money tomorrow to pay off the rest of my fees. I tried to today, but I couldn't take out more than 500,000W (about $400). I'm a tad worried, as my balance showed up wrong on the receipt, but correct when I checked online. Hopefully it'll be alright.

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