Thursday, September 17, 2009


So, last night ended much better than it began. After my post I ended up wandering around a bit and got some Tempura for dinner -- which was absolutely fantastic (and cheap --500yen!). This was followed up by some Poker, which is always fun (No money game, I was the runner up out of five players. Not too bad).

Today...well, yeah. It was really long. I had orientation from 9:30am - 4:30pm. Most of that was filling out forms. I also got my exam results back -- Level 1. I hope I can test up to level 2, but I guess it is not too bad -- my Japanese is pretty basic at this point. On the other hand, having Level 1 Japanese on my transcript two years in a row is rather unappealing. My other classes should be pretty good, though I may need to drop one. I am looking at taking: Japan's Foreign Policy, The History of Intellectual Movements in Japan, and Russia: From Lennin to Stalin. We'll see what I decide to keep and drop (Most likely The History...Japan will be dropped for The Fall of Complex Civilizations, though I may want to drop the Russia course instead? It sort of fullfills a requirement I want out of the way).

Later this evening I should go out and get an electric fan, some passport photos, and some dinner. I also will have to help a group with their internet at some point, so I want to combine the activities. It should be alright.

As for tomorrow, a big group will go down to Shinjuku Ward Office thing and submit various paperwork -- which should allow me to open a bank account, which in turn will permit me to pay the rent and buy a phone! Awesome!

Anyway, despite my last post, I am enjoying myself and do intend to continue enjoying myself while I am here. Wooo Japan!

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